Positive Indian Parenting

About This Program


National Indian Child Welfare Association’s most popular training, Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) prepares tribal and non-tribal child welfare personnel to train American Indian and Alaska Native parents using a culturally-specific approach. The materials presented during this two- or three-day training draw on the strengths of historic Indian child-rearing practices and blends traditional values with contemporary skills. Storytelling, cradleboards, harmony, lessons of nature, behavior management, and the use of praise are discussed.

  • Age Group Designed For:

    Young Adults
  • LGBT inclusive:

  • Trauma Informed:

  • Program Setting:

  • Curricula Type:

    Training for Adults
  • Duration:

    18 hours
  • Cost To Purchase:

    Varies, curriculum manual is $50, training is more
  • Teacher Training or Certification Required:

  • Student to Teacher Ratio:

    Can be done 1-on-1 or in groups
  • Evidence of Effectiveness:

    Tribal Best Practice
  • Endorsements:


Program Contact Information


Training Materials Links:

Teacher Training or Certification Requirements:

The Positive Indian Parenting curriculum is taught using a train-the-trainer model. A lead trainer from the National Indian Child Welfare Association instructs facilitators from individual tribes to train their colleagues. The program is then administered within each tribe by the trained staff.

Come to one of our upcoming training institutes – more information can be found at www.nicwa.org under the training section of our website. Trainings will be three sessions daily over four days virtually, or three days in person. We can also come to your communities to train the PIP curriculum.

Upcoming PIP Training Opportunities –> Email: training@nicwa.org for more details or information for your training needs.

  1. May 16-19, 2022—Online (Full)
  2. June 7-9, 2022—Palm Springs, California

CEUs accredited by the National Association of Social Workers-Washington State can be offered.

Contact training@nicwa.org for registration information.


Lesson Plans

Educational Videos:

Supporting Materials

Cultural Relevance

This Positive Indian Parenting curriculum is designed to provide a brief, practical, and culturally specific training program for Indian parents.

The first goal of the curriculum is to help Indian parents explore the values and attitudes expressed in traditional Indian child-rearing practices and then to apply those values to modern parenting skills. Since there is no one tradition among Indian people for child-rearing, several examples from numerous tribes are used. When we speak of traditional we are referring to the old ways—ways that existed prior to white influence. Because the concept of traditional varies among people we will refer to these ways as old ways or historical ways. It is up to each individual using this material to tailor the old ways to fit their own community. There are some universal values, attitudes, or customs that may be expressed differently in local communities, which give the trainer a basis to build on. These universals include the oral tradition, story telling, the spiritual nature of child-rearing, and the role of extended family. It is the assertion of this curriculum that valuable lessons are to be learned from the old ways and that Indian parents can find strength in cultural traditions.

A second goal of the Positive Indian Parenting curriculum is to help parents develop positive and satisfying attitudes, values, and skills that have roots in their cultural heritage.


We are evaluating the impact of the PIP program.



Positive Indian Parenting

“I really appreciated all the participants and teachers from communities all across the country coming to share their knowledge. I loved seeing and learning how similar we are and the connections we share.