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Honor Native Land Guide

Download the #HonorNativeLand Guide

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Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults  

Honoring Tribal Legacies

The Enduring Legacy of Colonialism: Indian Mascots

File Type: Link  

Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults  

Illuminative Native Education for All

Amplify the Voices of Contemporary Native Peoples in Your Classroom with Learner and Educator Lesson Plans.

File Type: Website  

Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults  

Keeping Track: A Toolkit for Indigenous Youth Program Evaluation

The NB3 Foundation’s evaluation and research methodology integrates Indigenous knowledge that is inherent to Native communities’ lived experiences and expertise. Historically and still today, evaluation and research practices often collide with or misrepresent Indigenous people. Too often, the purpose of ...

ANTHC’s Adolescent Sexual Health Toolkit

The toolkit is an informational guide for providers on the essentials of communicating with adolescent patients about their sexual health and development. It provides talking points and frameworks to assist in an efficient and accurate sexual health history as well ...

File Type: Link  

Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults  

American Indian College Fund: Pathways

The American Indian College Fund has two student resources to goal set: Pathways and Career Pathways Guidebooks. Students, counselors, parents and other stakeholders can sign-up for the Fund’s monthly scholarship and CONNECT newsletters.

File Type: Link  

Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults  

Talking is Power: Tools for Parents

Join Talking is Power: a Text Messaging Service for parents and caring adults, that shares “How to Talk to Youth About Sexual Health.” Text “EMPOWER” to 97779 to get started!Access all of the campaign’s tips and tools HERE.Share the campaign on social media:HandoutPrintable pdf Postcards: Michelle, GregPrintable pdf Posters: Michelle, Uncle ...

Ignite Session

Watch a 5-Minute Ignite Session: Stephanie Craig Rushing, Project Director at Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, presented at the 2019 Nonprofit Technology Conference in Portland, OR, hosted by nten.org.

File Type: Video  

Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults  

Spark Trainings

Adolescent Health Spark Trainings are free, ready-to-use, and include a PowerPoint presentation, a facilitator script, and follow-up materials. They are designed for providers or staff to deliver in 15-30 minutes at staff meetings or professional development opportunities. Sparks can be ...

File Type: Link  

Resource Tags: Resources for Educators and Caring Adults